Welcome to the CALM Website, Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind.
All of us want to have a happy life. No one wakes up in the morning thinking "I hope I will be miserable today". Many of us think that happiness is dependent on external situations like possessions, status and pleasures. Though these things can be good, often the satisfaction they bring is short term.
Scientific studies on what makes people truly and genuinely happy show the importance of four main things:
- Mental resilience
- Managing stress, anxiety and depression
- Healthy relationships
- Finding meaning in life
Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the content of at least the first two tabs below. Either click each tab individually, or use the NEXT TAB link:
Orientation to other parts of the website
Some of the sections include audio files with exercises and information you can download, as well as links to relevant websites that provide additional information and resources. Please take a moment to orientate yourself to the structure of this website:
- Homepage
- Mental resilience
- Developing positive mind states
- Practical techniques for developing positive mind states
- Managing stress, anxiety & depression
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Alcohol
- Drugs
- Practical techniques for managing stress
- Healthy relationships
- Stages of relationships
- Resolving conflict in relationships
- Finding meaning in life
- Religion
- Finding meaning after adversity
- Finding meaning in our day to day lives
- NZ National Depression Initiative
- Guided meditations
Download the audio files
The full list of audio files that accompany this website is available from the Downloads page. From there you may download them individually, or as a single zip file.
Playing the audio files
The website uses the browser's inbuilt media player to control the playback of audio files. If you are using an older browser, and you cannot see the player control bar below this text, you may need to download and install Flash Player. Download the free Flash Player from http://www.adobe.com. If you have difficulty installing Flash Player, all is not lost. You can still download the audio files and play them using QuickTime (http://www.apple.com), or by using a portable MP3 player or iPod.
Download the audio file [0.0 MB] |

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We value your feedback with your thoughts about this website so that we may develop it further. You can provide feedback by using the feedback form. Please can you let us know what you think would help you?
Academic AuthorsDr Fiona Moir Senior Lecturer in Mental Health, Department of General Practice, The University of Auckland Phone: 09 373 7599 Extn 84473 f.moir@auckland.ac.nz | Dr Antonio Fernando Senior Lecturer Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland a.fernando@auckland.ac.nz http://www.insomniaspecialist.com | Dr Shailesh Kumar Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Regional Forensic and Rehabilitation Service, Hamilton |
Thank you to The University of Auckland for its Teaching Improvement Grant/Learning Technology Grant, which has enabled us to develop this website. We would also like to thank Iain Doherty, Pauline Cooper, Craig Housley, Wen-Chen Hol and all those who contributed to the audio files.
Butterflies image by Felix Francis, Thrissur, India. Permission - Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.
All material contained in this site is the copyright of individual contributors, unless clearly indicated as owned by the University of Auckland, and is made available for personal use only. It may not be further copied and distributed without permission from the copyright owners concerned.
Material which is clearly indicated as owned by the University of Auckland may only be used for "not-for-profit" educational purposes or private research and study in accordance with the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994, provided that textual and graphical content are not altered and that the University's ownership of the material is acknowledged. The University reserves the right withdraw this permission at any time.
Where you are the owner of copyright work which you believe is available on this website in such a way that does not satisfy the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright Act 1994 or otherwise constitutes a copyright infringement, or a breach of an agreed licence or contract, please notify the University using the Copyright Takedown Notice.
Further help and urgent contact numbers
If you would like to talk to someone about the way you are feeling, The University Health and Counselling Service number is 09 373 7599 ext. 87681, or after hours you can contact Youthline: call 0800 37 66 33. Outside of the University of Auckland, please contact your local general practitioner, doctor or emergency medical centre.
Conditions of use
The CALM Programme creators have made reasonable efforts to ensure … more »
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